Saturday 17th February 2024

When to get there

Be in form class by for roll check and uniform check.
- House meetings, then to the pool in Houses.  Houses need to be pool-side (on the east bank) by 8.45am.

What to wear

  • Travel to school in full school tracksuit with house shirt. You can bring shorts to change into at school
  • A bucket hat (COMPULSORY!!!) 
  • School togs and house cap - named
  • Sports shoes

What to bring

  • Sunscreen (but we will have some here just in case)
  • Goggles (if you need them)
  • Sunglasses (optional)
  • Water bottle with water
  • Underwear
  • Towel
  • Morning snack (energy!!)
  • Warm layers to wear under your regulation PE jacket if it is cold
  • Garments in House colours if you wish
  • A bag to put your shoes and other belongings in

Where to be

Each house will have an allocated area.  Students will come from there to the marshalling area for their races and then go back to the bank.  Please do not go anywhere else.  (That includes going to sit with family, the drive way area and the marshalling area).  Students may visit families during the lunch break but must stay in the areas around the pool. The main school is out of bounds from 9.15 onwards.  General toilet use is in the intermediate block and in the gym.  The changing rooms are for changing only.  Ladies’ toilets are for parents and guests, not students. Please make sure changing rooms are left in a tidy state.

What to eat and drink

Oranges and water will be available by the pool throughout the morning. You will be told when and where to line up for lunch.  This will be done in Houses. You will not be able to purchase drinks or snacks during the morning or afternoon sessions.  Have a good breakfast and bring healthy high-energy snacks for during the morning (e.g. banana, muesli bar, muffin).  You will be able to top up your drink bottles but must remember to bring one!

Please do not bring

Crepe paper, tinsel, feathers, face or body paint (even if you aren't swimming), anything that has dyes that will run,  or have advertising on garments worn, writing on bodies, swimwear or caps


The race order will be in the programme – you should check this in advance and be responsible for knowing when your own races will be.  If there is a problem with entries, please inform y sports leader or house captain to notify one of the PE or Sports staff as soon as it is realised.

End of the day: You can go when...

You have been ticked off by your House Captain at the end of the day (should be by 3pm).  This includes Boarders. No one will be allowed to go early on the day unless prior arrangements have been made with Mrs Armstrong. YEAR 9 and Sports committee - should plan to stay an extra 15mins for special duties.