General: Minimum 6 months as registered 2nd Kyu holder.

Fully conversant: with all previous Kyu requirements and proficient demonstration of selected waza.

Nage waza: To demonstrate any of the following techniques in Nage Komi (moving) form: Harai makikomi, Uchi makikomi, Utsuri goshi, Kuchiki Taoshi, Ura nage, Uki otoshi, Yama Arashi, Te Guruma, Kata guruma, Harai tsuri komi ashi, Yoko gake, Tawara gaeshi, Yoko guruma, Yoko otoshi.

Kaeshi waza: Counter techniques against De ashi barai, Hane goshi, Koshi guruma, Ippon seoi
nage, Sasae tsurikomi ashi, Hiza guruma. Shime waza: Tomoe jime, Koshi jime,
Jigoku jime, Sankaku jime. (refer below re kata)

Osae waza: Ura gatame, Uki gatame. Escapes from Osae waza.

Kansetsu: Hiza gatame, Hara gatame and escapes from Kansetsu waza.

Shime waza: Sode guruma jime, Ryote jime, Tsuki komi jime, Kata te jime

Nage no Kata: Te, Koshi & Ashi Waza (Proficient Tori) .

Uchi komi: Demonstration of Uchi komi in mobile speed form.

Randori: A high level of Randori ability with all grades.

Revision: selected requirements for 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd and 2nd Kyu Grades.

Note: The award of 1st Kyu is made to advanced members and represents the highest
level for Kyu grade skills.