General: Minimum of 3 months as a registered 5th Kyu holder.

Demonstration / Understanding Requirement:

Improved knowledge of Dojo and Judo customs including class formalities and terms of address.

Terminology: including Rei, Zarei, Seiza, Anza, Sempai ni rei, Sensei ni rei, Shomen ni rei, Otagai ni rei

Ukemi: Fully competent in all aspects of break-falling in Keiko, Randori and Shiai.

Uchi komi: Debana (Reflexive Feint), Oikomi (Lunge entry) and Mawari komi (Rotative entry), Tobikomi (jump in entry).

Nage komi: Throwing practice exercises without resistance against single and multiple partners in attack, counter-throws and Renraku waza (Combination of throwing techniques).

Nage waza: To demonstrate the following techniques in Nage Komi (moving) form: Koshi guruma, O soto gari, Ippon seoi nage, Seoi otoshi, Ko uchi gari.

Osae waza: Tate shiho gatame, Kuzure yoko shiho gatame and Kuzure kami shiho gatame.

3 "Turnovers" from kneeling position.

Revision: On selected requirements for 6th & 5th Kyu Grades

Randori: Effective free practice with ability to evade and counter opponent's attacks.

Knowledge / Understanding of:

Fusegi: Defence against Osae waza.

Shintai: Fast and supple movement with changing Kumi Kata on the move.