General: Minimum of 6 months as a registered 3rd Kyu holder.

Advanced knowledge: of Judo customs and formalities, grading system, IJF Contest
Rules, Weight categories and terminology.

A verbal test: shall be conducted by the Examiner of the above requirements.

Nage komi: Advanced skill level in all training forms for throwing and ground work.

Uchi komi: Advanced level practice in Form, Speed and Power Uchi komi for the following
techniques: Osoto gari, Tai otoshi, Seoi nage, Uchi mata, Ouchi gari, Harai goshi,
Kosoto gari, Kouchi gari.

Nage waza: To demonstrate the following techniques in Nage Komi (moving) form: Hane goshi, Soto makikomi, Sode tsuri komi goshi, Uchi mata makikomi, Tsubame gaeshi, Okuri
ashi barai, Sukui Nage.

Kaeshi waza: Demonstrate a minimum of three counter techniques

Katame waza: Combination techniques incorporating Osae, Shime, and Kansetsu waza.

Osae waza: Sankaku gatame

Renraku waza: Demonstration of practice form in selected techniques.

Nage no kata: Koshi & Ashi waza (Proficient as Tori).

Revision: On selected requirements for 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd Kyu Grades.

Randori: Capable of Randori forms including Kakari geiko.

Additional Requirement for 13yrs and over:

Kansetsu Waza: Ude garami, Ude gatame, Waki gatame

Shime waza: Sankaku jime, Okuri eri jime, hadaka jime, Koshi jime, Kata ha jime,