We share the Domain with Tauranga Ramblers and some elite athletes. All Bellevue athletes are expected to adhere to certain standards whilst attending club nights and respect all other athletes at the Domain. Continual failure to adhere to the track etiquette rules will result in being asked to leave the Club with no refund.
- Only cross the track through the marked cones at the finish line mark. This is for Mini and Junior Club members as well as their parents/caregivers.
- Parents/caregivers (particularly Mini-Club and younger Junior Club members) please do not let your child roam freely over the track and field area. We want to keep them safe.
- Do not walk, play, or (in any way) step on the white railings while a race is taking place. This is a distraction to the athlete and at speed a child can be injured if they are knocked by a running athlete.
- Do not cross the track while a race is running unless the athletes are at least 100m away.
- Do not cross in front of an active discus or shot-put zone. Walk behind the caged or ribboned off areas.
- Be ready to start at the time on the Evening Runsheet/Program. If you are late you may miss your event.
- Please keep clear of the High Jump areas. At no time is any free play to take place on the High Jump Mats.
- Only use equipment under the supervision of your Team Leader. This in particular includes shot put and discus.
- Please treat all athletes of our own Club and Ramblers on Club nights with the utmost respect.