Umpiring Pathway:

Centre Theory

Centre Award

Zone Theory

Zone Award

NZ Theory

NZ C Award

NZ B Award

NZ A Award

IUA (International)

Centre Theory: to sit the CT test

Centre Award: GNC has Umpire Coach Assessors that can help coach you towards sitting the practical assessment. 

Zone Theory: Umpires must hold the Centre Award to be eligible to register for this exam. Exams are held in May and August annually.

Zone Award: Once Theory is passed, you may be coached further in order to be assessed for Zone Award.

NZ Theory: Umpires must hold Zone Award to be eligible to register for this exam. Exams are held in June and September annually.

NZ C Award (and above): Umpires must achieve NZ Theory and pass yoyo fitness test at the minimum requirement or above. Intent to sit this award must be notified to the Zone Umpire Lead. Then umpires may be screened and assessed, but this is often required to be at other centres or Zone/NZ Tournaments.

All NNZ resources for umpires are available here:


INF Rules of Netball

Community Umpiring Manual

Performance Indicators for Umpires

Fitness Testing Requirements

Past Exams (some on our page)