Haka Wero
Haka Wero began in 2013 as a brain child of then Head Boy, Tipene Lee. It is a culmination of students, teachers, and the community celebrating the unique identity which is Kaitaia College. The direction Kaitaia College is heading, is a place that promotes culture, but more importantly, it is the recognition it has with the five Iwi of Te Hiku O Te Ika.
All the students and teachers from Kaitaia College’s five Whanau Groups (Buck, Miller, McMahon, Ngarimu and Trigg) come together where upon each Whanau are required to sing a chosen waiata, and perform the school Haka twice. This haka was written by our then Deputy Principal, Matua Hone Paitai.
In a friendly, but underlying competitive setting, students are able to come together and plan, lead and direct how the waiata and haka are to be performed. Recognition to all those students who shape this is noted by staff, and on the day it is really great to see the results of this hard work. Staff and whanau loyalties are paraded in the various Whanau Group colours leading into their performances.