Sponsors are a vital part of how we make our events and branches thrive.

We want to acknowledge Harcourts Agents
Stephen Theobold - 027 493 4662 Kumeu
Debbie Young - 021 646 131 Kumeu
Graeme McLeod - 0274 502 846 Helensville
Emma Craig - 021 444174 Kumeu
Individuals who have kindly donated a collective sum of $2000 to KDPC.
This money will be used by the committee to reward events. And to equip our riders with smart new show blankets for our teams events.
Please if you are considering the services of a realestate agent then call these Harcourts agents today.

KDPC 2 Day Event
Sponsors for 29 30th November 2015

Debbie Young
Graeme  McLeod
Max Life Batteries
Awa Nurseries
Parakai four square
Reyna Equestrian
Vets North
​​Reyna Equestrian Supplies

Kumeu District Show Jumping
Sponsors for 7th December 2015

Graeme McLeod
Emma Craig
​​Awa Nurseries
Reyna Equestrian Supplies

WRAPC HOY Show Jumping Trials @ Helensville PC
Sponsors for 31st January 2015

Emma Craig
Awa Nurseries