BENCH DUTY: How to score a Basketball Game

We understand that being assigned scorebench duty for a basketball game can feel a bit daunting, especially if you’re not entirely sure about your responsibilities. All the information you need can be found below.

Bench duty is made of 4 people (ideally):

  1. Timekeeper/Scoreboard – start and stop main clock and put points up
  2. Tablet – record points, fouls and time outs using the Glory League app.
  3. 24-second clock operator – reset shot clock according to game play
  4. Spotter/paddles – help confirm communication from referees, let coaches know player fouls If you have any questions or problems – talk to the referees or floor controller (they should be first aid trained and are paid to run the court or venue). Use ‘thumbs up’, ‘stop’ or the horn to communicate from a distance during the game.

Refer to the Selwyn Hawks Bench Duty guide.

We have added the 3 video's to the right which CBA have put together (Scorebench Guides - Canterbury Basketball Canterbury Basketball)

Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance! 

Glory League app

Game Timer and Scorekeeper

Shot-clock Operator