2013 Highlights

October Trip to Waiheke Island for the Auckland Heritage Festival.

August: Train trip to Mt Albert. Walked around Rocket Park. Morning tea at Kings Plant Barn.

June 27th: Walked around Te Atatu Peninsula.

June 13th: Walked to Henderson Library to see a photographic display which included George Ward's garden on the corner of Harvest Drive and Sturges Road.

May 21st: Visited Corbans Estate to see the Antarctic Expo.

May 14th: Yummy morning tea at the Cuppa fundraiser for Hospice.

May 9th: Swanson walk and cuppa at the Railway Cafe.

April 23rd: Walked to the Hub - the new McLaren Park Community Centre.

March 7th: Passed the historic Edwin Freeman oak tree at Luanda Drive, Ranui.

February 28th: Ranui Community Garden on Marinich Drive.

February 26th: Babich Hills subdivision.

January 22nd: New subdivision opened at San Marino Drive. A shortcut to Virginia St.

January 17th: Walked around the Rewarewa Creek boardwalk through the mangroves at New Lynn followed by a picnic at Ken Maunder Park.

January 8th. Blockhouse Bay Heritage Walk around the beach, Te Whau Point and the shopping centre.