Tawa Calendars

The Match Committee weekend programme has been amalgamated with the mid-week programme and some additional entries for the northern zone mid-week galas.

As not everything appeals to everyone, they have broken down into three distinct groups.  The Tawa and Centre Events are displayed as timed events while the National Events are displayed as all-day untimed events.  The two calendars are available for members to load to their own devices, desktop/laptop/phone.  

Email wrongbiastawa@gmail.com for instructions on how to use the links below if required:

  • Tawa Events: Google Calendar link
  • Centre & National Events: Google Calendar link
  • Tawa Events: iCal Format link
  • Centre & National Events: iCal Format link

The Weekend calendar can be downloaded here.
​​​​​​​The Full calendar can be downloaded here.

NOTE: The tawamatch@chartroom.nz calendar is no longer supported as it is hosted on an external site.  Please use the wrongbiastawa hosted calendars.

Tawa Events

This calendar contains the weekend programme maintained by the Match Committee together with the mid-week ladies, Wed roll ups, ladies & men's over 60s and summer Thursday galas. 

The description includes details of the organiser or manager where available in the description.  Once the draw has been finalised, a link to Chartroom is also provided in the description.

If an event is cancelled due to the weather, it is shown on the last programmed day with the description explaining it is yet to be rescheduled.

Tawa uses Chartroom developed by Bruce Christie using Google Sheets to manage the draws and results for its events.  The season's results are available at:

Centre Events

This calendar has the weekend centre events, interclub, pennants and other northern zone galas. 

The playing venue and opposition for each of our Tawa Pennants and Interclub teams is included in the description, when the draws are finalised by the Centre.

National Events [combined with Centre Events]

This calendar has the national events and inter-centre rep matches as well as the mens and ladies Taranaki Fours, all as all-day untimed events.