Conditions of Play

In events where an uneven number of entries are received byes will count as a game won. 

Where events are decided on wins, ends, differential and there are 5 or more teams or players, those with a bye will receive an average of the number of ends won and an average of the differential of the winning teams or players in that round.  Where there are 3 teams or players these events will be played as a round robin.

If there is an uneven number of entries for an event a wildcard will be left in place in the draw until the Friday before the event.  A late entry will be accepted up to that time.

Club Championship Matches shall take precedence over outside tournaments.

The tables to the right set out the conditions of play for the events as set by the Match Committee. 

Note that not all events are played every season due to the availability of suitable days in the calendar.

Substitutes and Replacements - Club Events

  1. In events controlled by the Club, substitutes and replacements shall be permitted by the Match Committee in accordance with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls and NZ Domestic Regulations. Domestic Regulation 7 states: substitutes & replacements shall be players who, wherever possible, have not already been a participant and where practicable are of playing ability equal to or lesser than that of the absent team member.  It is club policy that all players within a grade are considered to have equal ability.  A substitute is allowable in the first end of the first game in a tournament subject to approval of the Match Committee.
  2. A substitute may play in any position, except Skip, except in a Graded tournament, where an approved substitute graded Skip shall play as Skip.  A replacement player may play in any position. 
  3. Only a Four's team may contain a replacement and a substitute simultaneously.  A Triples or Pairs team may contain one replacement or one substitute but not both simultaneously.  Replacements and substitutes are not permitted in Singles events. 
  4. Any queries or requests for substitutes or replacements in an event are to be referred to the event Controller, or in their absence to the Convener of the Match Committee. ​​​​​​​

Championship Singles & Junior (1-5) Years Singles

  • 4 Bowls - first to 21 shots or 2hr 
  • Section Play: 3 games, 2 wins to qualify.
  • Post Section: 1 life system, no time limit.

    Championship Pairs

    • 3 Bowls - 18 ends or 2hr 
    • Section Play: 3 games, 2 wins to qualify. 
    • Post Section: 1 life system, no time limit

    Championship Triples 

    • 2 Bowls - 18 ends or 2hr 
    • Section Play: 3 games, 2 wins to qualify.
    • Post Section: 1 life system, no time limit.

    Championship Fours

    • 2 Bowls - 15 ends or 2hr 15 mins.
    • Section Play: 3 games, 2 wins to qualify.
    • Post Section: 1 life system, no time limit.

    Junior (1-10 yrs) Pairs

    • 3 Bowls - 15 ends or 2 hours.
    • Section Play: 3 games, 2 wins to qualify.
    • Post Section: 1 life system, no time limit.

    Championship Mixed 2-4-2 Pairs & Development
    ​​​​​​​(1-10yrs) (Any Combo) 2-4-2 Pairs

    • 4 Bowls- 14 ends or 2hr 30 mins.
    • 3 games.
    • Wins, ends, differential.

    Club Drawn Triples

    • Graded Teams drawn randomly from entries received.
    • 3 games
    • 3 Bowls - 10 ends or 1 hr 30 mins.
    • Wins, ends, differential.

    Club Drawn Fours

    • Graded Teams drawn randomly from entries received.
    • 3 games.
    • 2 Bowls - 10 ends or 1 hr 30 mins.
    • Wins, ends, differential.

      Barry Horsnell Drawn Pairs (Men)

      • Teams drawn randomly from entries.
      • Skips partner leads, threes partner twos.
      • Section Play: 4 games.
      • 3 Bowls - 15 ends or 2 hours.
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      Novice Singles (1- 2 years)

      • 4 games played over one day.
      • 4 Bowls, first to 21 shots or 1hr 30mins.

      Jack & Jill Trophy (Mixed Pairs)

      • 2-4-2 format, 9 ends or 1hr 30 mins. 4 games
      • Kills - Jack to be placed on 2 metre spot.
      • Jack delivered out of bounds to be placed by opposition.
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      Open 2-4-2 (Any Combo)

      • 2-4-2 format- 8 ends or 1hr 20 mins
      • 4 games- cards to be signed.
      • Kills - Jack to be placed on 2 metre spot.
      • Jack delivered out of bounds to be placed by opposition
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      Con Stewart Cup Mixed Fours

      • Graded teams drawn randomly from entries received with teams to be of mixed gender if possible.
      • 3 games.
      • 2 Bowls, 10 ends or 1hr 30 mins.
      • Kills - Jack to be placed on 2 metre spot.
      • Jack delivered out of bounds to be placed by opposition.
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      Garrett Trophy - Club Mixed Drawn Triples

      • Graded teams drawn randomly from entries received with teams to be of mixed gender if possible.
      • 3 Bowls, 10 ends or 1 hr 30 mins.
      • 3 games.
      • Kills - Jack to be placed on 2 metre spot.
      • Jack delivered out of bounds to be placed by opposition.
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      Senior (Over 10 yrs) Open (Any Combo)

      • 3 Games
      • 3 Bowl Pairs.  15 ends or 2 hrs.
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      3 Years+ Pairs (Any Combo)

      • 3 Games
      • 3 Bowl Pairs.  14 ends or 2 hrs.
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      Mid-week Drawn Pairs (Women)

      • Teams drawn randomly from entries.
      • Skips partner leads, threes partner twos.
      • 3 Bowls - 16 ends
      • 3 Rounds - one game per week
      • Wins/Points/Ends
      • NB Limited women members are eligible to play in this event and Mid-Week Women's Progressive Pairs (as passed at AGM 21 June 2015).

      Bowls 3 Five

      • Teams drawn randomly from entries received (any combo).
      • Divided into divisions based on number of entries.  Top 4 in each division go into the finals -quarter/semi/final.
      • 2 Bowl Triples.
      • 4 rounds each of 2 five end sets.  Followed by quarter, semi and final.
      • 1 Powerplay per round (points doubled). 
      • Mat to be placed on marked positions. 
      • Jack to be placed on 1 of 3 spots.
      • Kills - Jack to be placed on 2 metre spot. 
      • Tie break if needed - 1 extra end to be played.

      Drawn Rotational Triples

      • Graded teams drawn randomly from entries received, with teams to be of mixed gender if possible.
      • 3 Games, 10 ends or 1hr 30mins.
      • 3 Bowls.
      • Team positions to be rotated each game.
      • Kills - Jack to be placed on 2 metre spot.
      • Jack delivered out of bounds to be placed by opposition.
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      Drawn 4-1-2

      • Teams of 4
      • First game- 4s. 8 ends or 1 hour 20 mins.
      • Then 4 games of singles.  Two games at a time others mark.  4 bowls, 12 ends or 1 hour.
      • Then two games of pairs (Pair 1: Skip and two, Pair 2: Three and lead) played at same time.  3 bowls, 9 ends or 1 hour 20 mins
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      All Pairs (Any Combo)

      • Teams drawn randomly from entries received.
      • Time limit games.
      • First game - Pairs. Player A skips - 3 bowls per player, 9 ends or 1 hour 20 mins.
      • Second game- 242, 8 ends or 1 hour 20 mins.
      • Third game- Pairs. Player B skips - 3 bowls per player, 9 ends or 1 hour 20 mins.
      • Fourth game- Pairs. Team chooses order - 2 bowls per player, 10 ends or 1 hour 20 mins.
      • Wins, ends, differential.

      Open 6x6 Singles

      • Singles (4 bowls).
      • Time limited games, 6 ends or 30 minutes whichever is sooner.
      • Scoring - shots.  Each player gets one power play per game (double shots scored on that end).
      • Jack placed by winner of toss or end.
      • Kills go on 2 metre spot.
      • Draws count.
      • League table determined on points (2 per win, 1 per draw) and shot differential.
      • Top players qualify for post section
      • Each round, 2 groups play, 1 group marks. 4 qualifying rounds (6 in total).

      Shanghai Triples

      • Graded teams drawn randomly from entries received with teams to be of mixed gender if possible.
      • 2 Bowl Triples.
      • 3 games to be played with a break between each game.
      • Each game will be 2 sets of 5 ends.
      • Kills - Jack to be placed on 2 metre spot.
      • 1 Powerplay per set where points are doubled for that end.  Opposing teams may nominate the same end for powerplay.  Shanghai scoring system, - 3 pts for 1st shot, 2 pts for 2nd shot, 1 pt for 3rd shot Winner decided by wins, then ends, then points scored.
      • If both teams win a game each, the set is tied, and there will be tie-break end where each team member will play 1 bowl.  Teams toss to see who starts the tie­break end.  The team with the closest bowl to the jack at the end will be the winner of the game.