COURTS - casual and hire use (contact us 4346932 / 021 08150688 to check availability)

WEIGHTS ROOM - open from *6am weekdays, 24/7 access available (*opening time may vary, check with office)

GROUP FITNESS CLASSES & Boot Camps - early morning, daytime and evening classes, check the timetable out! Early and mid morning boot camps. 



The Waitaki Community Recreation Centre Trust invites you to complete this survey (click on the link).

As a user of the Rec Centre your input is imperative as we look to the future in the context of the proposed new Event Centre. Complete the survey and have your say, let us know your intentions, suggest possible options, have an opportunity to influence the Rec Centre’s decisions.

We strongly encourage you to start a conversation with us, so fill out the survey, come and have a chat, look out for notices of upcoming meetings where you can join the conversation. Please feel free to catch up with Di at any time or contact her on 021 08150688.


Nga mihi

Di Talanoa



Boost your immune system - exercise every day!

Take care, be safe and stay home if you feel unwell.

Make sure you LIKE and FOLLOW our FB page for all the latest info and upcoming activities. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions at all! 

The Waitaki Community Recreation Centre (WCRC) is a venue for indoor sport and recreation and offers a wide range of activities for residents of, and visitors to, the Waitaki District.
Opening Hours:
Mon-Thurs: *6am-8.30pm (Opening up time may vary - check with office)
Fri: *6am-5.30pm
Sat: 8am-12pm
The centre is available for hire during and outside of opening hours - just contact us!

After hours

021 08150688

Please note that the office is staffed from 9am-8.30pm Mon-Thurs; 9am-5.30pm Fri; and 9am-12pm Saturday.
Members can apply for 24/7 access.

Account number (for direct credit payments):

Location: 43 Orwell St, Oamaru (next to Orana Park)
History: The WCRC was opened in 1987 as a joint venture between the Waitaki District Council, Waitaki  Girls High School, and the wider Waitaki community. Today it is governed by the WCRC Trust (which includes representatives from all above parties).
GROUP FITNESS CLASSES - the Rec Centre offers a full range of Les Mills group fitness classes including Body Pump, Body Step, Body Combat, Body Balance, Body Vive, Body Jam, RPM, as well as HIIT (high intensity interval training), functional strength training, circuits and bootcamps. Check out our timetable above! 


WEIGHTS ROOM - cardio and strength equipment.  


SUPERVISED CRECHE - check out our hours


CLUBS - clubs & groups regularly use the Centre for activities including: rock wall; taekwondo; basketball; tai chi; indoor soccer; netball; volleyball; . . .

Taekwondo - Tues & Thurs 6-8pm
Indoor Football- 2 x10 week competitions Oct-Dec and Jan-April

Summer League Basketball - 8 weeks February to April and October to December, Wednesdays from 6pm.
North Otago Basketball comp - May-August M/T/W nights 

Filipino Basketball - Friday& Saturday nights during the summer season
Rock Wall - club nights Tuesday 8pm & Thursday 5pm
Tai Chi - 4 classes per week 

Active Kids Holiday Programme - 1 week block runs every school holidays - mornings

​​​​​​​Social Sport - Thursdays 10am


Court bookings - contact 4346932 / 021 08150688 

Active Kids Holiday Programme -October 2024:

- for primary school and intermediate school aged kids

October 2024 school holidays dates - 7-11 October 2024

Online registrations - open NOW!

One week each school holidays, mornings 9.30am to 12.30pm. All activities are based at the Rec Centre unless stated otherwise. 

Cost - $10 per child per morning, or $45 for 5 mornings

Activities: a wide range of sports from the local community - local groups and clubs give the kids an opportunity to try out their sport. New sports and some of the old favourites are delivered each holiday programme.

​​​​​​​Want to know more? Contact the Rec Centre 4346932 / 021 08150688 

CLUBS & SPORTS: If you are interested in running your sporting activity for the kids please contact us! 

10 week circuit challenge - Mon/Wed/Fri 9-10am during school term, creche available. You can join at any time! Casuals welcome.

Early morning boot camp - Tues / Thurs 6am. You can join at any time. Register now! Casuals welcome.

de Geest Rec Centre Mixed BASKETBALL league - October 2024. Thanks to our sponsors de Geest and Subway Oamaru. Starts Wednesday 2 October. Register your team now! Click here

Tai Chi - Monday 11.30am & 12.30pm; Tues 9am; Thurs 9am. $5.

BOULDERING WALL - the NO Section of the NZ Alpine Club has a bouldering wall at the Rec Centre! Everyone is welcome to have a go at this unsupervised climbing - only $3.50 students and $5.50 adults (annual subscriptions also available). Come and check it out any time during opening hours.


SENIOR STRONG - a programme focusing on mobility / strength / balance. Designed for falls prevention, beginners, older adults, persons with pre-exisiting medical conditions or physical difficulties and those returning from injury. TUESDAYS 1.30pm.

Social Sport - every Thursday 10am!  Includes badminton, table tennis, and other activities. Only $5 per person.

Indoor Football Waitaki - Monday nights. Contact Matt 027 2076396 or join the Indoor Football Waitaki FB page. The next season starts in September.


10 week bootcamp (EARLY MORNINGS) - Tues / Thurs 6am. You can join at any time. Register now!

4 week bootcamp (EVENINGS)  - Mon & Fri @ 6pm, you can join at any time. This runs when sufficient registratons are received. Register now!

10 week circuit challenge - Mon/Wed/Fri 9-10am during school term, creche available. You can join at any time.. Register now!

Parents we have a supervised creche available 6 mornings a week at the Rec Centre - check it out!

Thank you to everyone who supported the Multi Colour Dash on Saturday 28 October 2023, it was a blast! Thank you to our colour station sponsors Banks's Buidling Services & Hope & Associates Legal; Mercury; Waitaki Youth Council; McBrimar and Laser Electrical. The colour stations were so much fun! Thank you to all of our supporters Real Radio 104FM, Sport Waitaki & Sport Otago, Waitaki Community Recreation Centre, Oamaru Racecourse, Brackens Print, Awamoa Bins, Hoskins Transport, Waiareka Valley Lions, Rapid Relief Team Oamaru, FENZ Oamaru. Thank you for contributing to Sporting Chance.