Waiuku Softball Club Child Protection Policy 

As a coach, you are entrusted with providing and upholding the Coaches Code of Ethics in line with Sport New Zealand Guidelines. Encouraging our tamariki and rangatahi to grow and fostering positive relationships with sport is a vital part of the development of Waiuku Softball Club’s strategy for being inclusive to all. 

Most of all we want our young people to feel safe, happy and inspired to achieve longer outcomes in any sport and we realise our role in supporting this.  As a coach or manager, it is our duty to ensure our tamariki and rangatahi feel safe and supported.

The wellbeing and ability for children and young people to thrive in play, active recreation and sports also requires their safety and welfare is covered too. 

Our Mission

Our Mission is to help grow the sport of Softball in the Franklin area, and to provide a Softball community for all ages within the Waiuku community.


Our friendships and relationships make us stronger together, through connection with each other we create an environment that is inclusive and welcoming.


We serve our community by recognising the value of each person and respecting their mana. 


We’re responsible for protecting both the physical environment we use to train and exercise, and the health and wellbeing of our people through sports and recreation.  

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every individual athlete as a human being:  

  • Treating every person equally regardless of sex, disability, ethnic origin, religion and ability 

  • Refrain from criticism of your athletes and other coaches 

Maintain a high standard of integrity:

  • Operate within the rules of the sport, encouraging fair play and inclusion 

  • Display high standards of language when coaching your team in training and on game day 

Be a positive role model: 

  • All tamariki and rangatahi are deserving of equal attention and game time 

  • Be fair and considerate of your audience and tailor your approach if something isn’t working 

  • Respect officials - it’s just a game 

  • Accept your Position of Trust and understand the importance of maintaining appropriate boundaries 

Provide a safe environment for training and games: 

  • Be patient 

  • Put kids needs first.  Leave out our egos - it’s not about us 

  • Never leave tamariki or rangatahi waiting to be collected from training or games on their own 

  • Never provide training or attend games whilst under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol 

Stamp out unacceptable behaviour: 

  • Refrain from verbal, physical or emotional abuse towards your athletes and other participants 

  • Refrain from any form of sexual or racial harassment whether verbal or physical 

  • Any physical contact with athletes should be appropriate to the situation 

  • Be alert to any forms of abuse directed towards athletes from other sources 

  • Call out bad behaviour or alert appropriate channels 

Keep yourself safe:  

Support for Coaches/Managers 

We understand and appreciate your role in supporting the growth of our tamariki and rangatahi by volunteering for this role.  If at any stage you feel you need further support or have any concerns in relation to the tamariki and rangatahi in your team, please contact Bridget Davies in the first instance (Junior Club Delegate) or Rebecca Van Dijken (Club President).