Badminton Eastland owns a dedicated Hall on the Childers Road Reserve beside the YMCA.

Showers, meeting rooms and kitchen facilities are available on site.

Enquiries to Linda White 86 277 77 and please leave a message.

Bookings for groups using the stadium for badminton can be made through Sport Gisborne Tairawhiti, Ph. 8689943.

Key Sales
Any affiliated club member can hire a key to the Badminton Centre for $41, until April 2022 + $15 deposit.

A non-affiliated player can hire the key for $138 until April 2022 + $15 deposit 

See "Documents" tab for key appliciation forms and Badminton Centre Rules.

Token Sales
Players then purchase tokens to operate the lights to play when clubs or groups are not using the courts. 

Tokens cost  for $7.00 a token, which operate the lights for 30 minutes.

At this stage tokens are not available from Caltex Service Station

please ring Gabe 0272482729 or Justin 0212166700 for them.

Shuttles available from Bruce Ledger

phone 867 3363