Minimum officiating requirements.
Wellington club/regional meets.
Minimum official requirements to follow those laid down from time to time by SNZ TAC. • Current minimum standards as identified by SNZ regulations dated 30 June 2014 are:
referee (1) – regional Qualification.
judge of stroke (2)
National IOT or Regional JOS or Referee (NB: National IOTs or regional JOSs are not allowed to act as referee).
starter (1) – club or regional qualification.
inspector of turns – (1 for every 3 lanes at each end)
Regional IOT Qualification:
6 lanes = 4 qualified IOTs 7 lanes = 6 qualified IOTs
8 lanes = 6 qualified IOTs 10 lanes = 8 qualified IOTs - chief timekeeper (1). - timekeeper (3 per lane if manual – i.e. stop watch or semi-automatic system – 1 per lane if electronic).