The Regional Technical Officials Panel (RTOP)
The SW RTOP is convened by the SW Technical Officials officer (who is appointed by the SW Board). SW RTOP members will be drawn from diverse geographic areas to enable members to act as mentors for officials from around the region. Terms of reference of the panel are outlined by the SNZ Technical Advisory Committee as follows: • Structure: - There shall be a technical panel of 3-5 members appointed by the board on recommendation from the technical delegate. - A member of the Swimming New Zealand Technical Advisory Committee may attend meetings when appropriate.
Term: Members of the committee shall be appointed as above annually.
Profile: The following factors will be taken into consideration when appointing the committee: - The panel should comprise of at least one (1) nationally qualified referee and the remaining positions comprised of active, qualified technical officials.
Operating Principles: The technical delegate shall call regular meetings as necessary, but at least 1 per quarter. - Members must be active and regularly attend the meetings of the committee. - The panel may have in attendance such members of management and such other persons as it deems necessary to provide appropriate information and explanations.
Duties and responsibilities: Appointing examiners to conduct regional officials’ assessments. - Encouraging and promote officials to apply for national qualifications and national competitions. - Discussing and arrange officials seminars/workshops where and when required. - Appointing all technical officials for regionally controlled competitions.
Determining fixtures at which regional qualifications and training will be conducted. - Assisting clubs to resource officials for all club meets conducted within the region’s boundaries. - Maintaining, in conjunction with the regional administrator, a database of all regional officials, their qualifications and meets attended. - Evaluating all regional meets. - Conveying to all regional clubs, in a timely manner, technical information and directives from SNZ and the SNZ Technical Advisory Committee. - Reporting to the regional board through the regional technical delegate.