The Kaimai Ridgeway Trust (KRT) is an association of outdoor recreation clubs and participants of the wider recreation community who are passionate about encouraging recreation in the Kaimai Range. We work with DOC to improve and maintain the Kaimai tracks and huts.
Our volunteer work parties regularly maintain Kaimai tracks, and all Kaimai huts other than Waitawheta Hut. If you notice anything that needs attending to, please take photos, get a precise location, and send that to us so that we can add that to our work schedule.
Our supporting clubs include Auckland Baptist Tramping Club, Auckland Tramping Club, Cambridge Tramping Club, Kaimai Ramblers Tramping Group (Tauranga), Katikati Tramping Club, Manukau Tramping Club, North Shore Tramping Club (Auckland), NZDA – Bay of Plenty, NZDA – Thames Valley and Whangamata Tramping Club. There are many other individuals that help too.
Our Kaimai work began in 2015 when it was clear that the Kaimai backcountry tracks and huts needed a greater maintenance effort than DOC had budget and resources for. From that time onwards we have operated under a Community Agreement with DOC, with KRT providing the administrative oversight over our volunteer activities, enabling individual groups just to get out there and work productively with the minimum of overheads of their own.
There are always opportunities for you to help by joining one of our supporting groups, by contacting us via email, and by donating to us directly to our bank account or via our GiveALittle page.
Bank account: BNZ 02 0192 0212664 000
GiveALittle Kaimai Firewood
We are very grateful for the support for the Kaimai Project from the Backcountry Trust