Junior Interclub Events

Dates for Interclub are listed in the Calendar of Events

Junior Interclub events are half day competitions for Grades 7-15. There are six Interclub events spread out over summer and these are all held at Newtown Park. It’s a great opportunity for young athletes to test themselves against athletes from other clubs, and make new friends along the way. For most athletes the competitive season ends with the Wellington Championships at Newtown Park in March.

All LHAAC athletes are encouraged to participate in Club & Interclub events. All athletes improve with regular competition and results at these events also contribute to each individual athlete's LHAAC points.

Points are awarded to athletes who achieve the 4 best performances at a scheduled junior interclub event. Note that no points are awarded for optional or fun events as marked on the interclub programme.

Place Points:
1st     4 points
2nd    3 points
3rd     2 points
4th     1 point

If athletes achieve the same top 4 performance they are both awarded the full points allocation for that placing.  The only exception is high jump where count backs apply to determine actual placings where the same height is achieved.
Points tally and awards
Individual points are tallied throughout the season for individuals to determine winners and placings. Points are also tallied by club to determine the club with the highest overall points for all competitors (7-15 yrs) at the end of the season. In addition, points are tallied by just junior athletes (7-9yrs) to determine the junior club trophy.

Please note that club uniform (LHAAC singlet with black shorts) and competitor bibs must be worn during competition.

Each Club is allocated an event to set up and run.  Ours is Long Jump 1.  Please be prepared to help out.

Interclub Registration

To particiapte at Junior Interclub meets this season, you must  complete a one-off registration with Athletics Wellington in advance and pay the registration fee.. The price is $25 for the season (the price for those signing up after Christmas for just the two remaining meets in the New Year will be $14). There are four meets in 2024, and two meets in the New Year.

For more info and to enter: https://athleticswellington.org.nz/junior/

​​​​​​​Athletes who want to take part, but don’t yet have a season registration, must complete a registration by 6:00pm on the Friday prior to the next Interclub meet. Registration and payment on the day will not be accepted.

​​​​​​​How Interclub Works

Children need to report in to their scheduled events, prior to competing, wearing their club uniform and age flash. You will need to check the program (which can be emailed out in advance and can be found on our Facebook page) to ensure your child goes to the correct event. Children only need to complete in the events they want to compete in. They do not need to compete in all of them. The events are:

Events for children in groups 7-9        Events for children in groups 10-15

60m                                                     100m

100m                                                   200m

200m                                                   400m

Long jump                                           800m

Shot put                                              1500m

Discus                                                 Long Jump

                                                            High Jump

                                                            Shot Put


                                                            Hurdles 80m +*

*These events are for children in Grade 12 – 15

All results from Interclubs are provided on the Wellington Athletics website and live via "Track Meet" App.

Track Events

For track events the officials will put the children into groups and place them on the track. Each child will race once per event, where they will be timed and placed as per their time in their age group.

Field Events

For field events each child will get one practice round and then have 3 measured attempts where they are placed accordingly.