"We share a sense of place and support and inspire relationships to thrive"

  • We all understand our WHY and show passion and enthusiasm about our WHY 

  • We will ensure all Selwyn Netball members feel they are listened to and have the opportunity to contribute to the decision making process

  • We will acknowledge diversity in the game by opening up to all communities and being inclusive

  • We will work connectively together to achieve common outcomes

"We celebrate, encourage and honour our members through the love of the game"

  • We will take a community needs-based approach to ensure ALL have an enjoyable sporting experience in whatever role they play

  • We will celebrate our successes through effective story telling

  • We will strive to set environments which provide quality experiences to all in the Selwyn Netball Community – gold standard

"Celebrate and respect individual differences and acknowledge effort and success"

  • We have open minded and authentic consultation both internally and externally

  • We have honest and genuine interest for each other - allow others to speak and to be listened to

  • We have an openness to provide and receive feedback

  • We will respond in a timely manner to communication and complete tasks you say you will and be on time to meetings

"Aligning conduct with what we know to be excellent"​​​​​​​

  • We make time for relationship building internally and with those in our community

  • We show an honest and genuine interest in each other and in the members in our community – check in and check out

  • We will be innovative and adaptable in our approach to the game and use the Poipoia strategy to guide direction

  • We will have an executive which allows for robust and honest discussion with decisions focused on the whole community not individuals (Have a strong moral compass).