The tables to the right contain the duty rosters for the season.

It is the responsibility of the person named for duty to find a replacement if they are not available to undertake duty as allocated.

​​​​​​​For further assistance, contact the Roster Convenor.

Men's Roster Instructions:

A reminder that duties include the setting up of the greens, emptying rubbish bins and the cleaning of the Men’s Toilets.  A full list of duties can be found on the wall near the entrance to the Men’s Toilet area.

Please e-mail with any updates

Mens Weekend Duty Roster 2024-25 Season

Roster Convenor: Blair Clarke

05-Oct & 06-OctGraeme Aiken & Kit Chu
12-Oct & 13-OctDavid Corner & Keith Gibson
19-Oct & 20-OctToru John & Murray Lucas
26-Oct & 27-OctParesh Hari & Robbie MacInarlin
02-Nov & 09-NovMike Steele & Ramesh Mohanakrishnan
16-Nov & 23-NovMark Janor & Chye Shih
30-Nov & 01-DecRay Campbell & Mahes Hettige
07-Dec & 08-DecRobin Johnstone & Dean Pettersson
14-Dec & 15-DecGraham Savell & Graeme Munro
21-Dec & 22-DecVassist Prasad & Scott Johnson
28-Dec & 29-DecTo Be Confirmed
04-Jan & 05-JanTo Be Confirmed
11-Jan & 12-JanTo Be Confirmed
18-Jan & 19-JanTo Be Confirmed
25-Jan & 26-JanTo Be Confirmed
01-Feb & 02-FebBlair Clarke
08-Feb & 09-FebBrian Blackwood & Dave Connell
15-Feb & 16-FebDave Flawn & Gavin McLeod
22-Feb & 23-FebGraeme Munro & Les Wightman
01-Mar & 02-MarMark Ingrey & Michael Johnson
08-Mar & 09-MarPaul Hassall & Peter Martin
15-Mar & 16-MarPeter van Oossanen & Praveen Reddy
22-Mar & 23-MarRoss Sinclair & Trevor Rayner
29-Mar & 30-MarGraeme Aiken & Kit Chu
05-Apr & 06-AprDavid Corner & Keith Gibson
12-Apr & 13-AprToru John & Murray Lucas
19-Apr & 20-AprParesh Hari & Robbie MacInarlin
26-Apr & 27-AprMike Steele & Ramesh Mohanakrishnan
03-May & 04-MayTo Be Confirmed
10-May & 11-MayTo Be Confirmed

Womens Cleaning Roster 2024-25 Season

Roster Convenor: Lorraine Rowe & Joy Irvine

23-Sep to 29-SepLorraine Rowe & Joy Irvine
30-Sep to 06-OctBarbara Allnut & Dorothy Matheson
07-Oct to 13-OctJan Brown & Carolyn Morgan
14-Oct to 20-OctWendy Burgess & Nanette Crowe
21-Oct to 27-OctEileen Traynor & Ruth Lightbourne
28-Oct to 03-NovFiona Horne & Roshanthi Hettige
04-Nov to 10-NovLorraine Rowe & Joy Irvine
11-Nov to 17-NovBev McGuinness & Clair Oliver
18-Nov to 24-NovPeveline O’Keeffe & Joan Preston
25-Nov to 01-DecBeryl Savell & Pat Povey
02-Dec to 08-DecNgarie Nixon & Kris Haines
09-Dec to 15-DecPat Campbell & Patricia Davey
16-Dec to 22-DecLinda Gallagher & Rachel Niall
23-Dec to 29-DecXmas Week
30-Dec to 05-JanXmas Week
06-Jan to 12-JanMarie Crookston & Kim Janor
13-Jan to 19-JanIsabelle Hassall & Linda Rayner
20-Jan to 26-JanNanette Crowe & Olly Epps
27-Jan to 02-FebLorraine Rowe & Joy Irvine
03-Feb to 09-FebBarbara Allnutt & Dorothy Matheson
10-Feb to 16-FebJan Brown & Carolyn Morgan
17-Feb to 23-FebEileen Traynor & Ruth Lightbourne
24-Feb to 02-MarFiona Horne & Roshanthi Hettige
03-Mar to 09-MarBev McGuinness & Clair Oliver
10-Mar to 16-MarBeryl Savell & Pat Povey
17-Mar to 23-MarNgarie Nixon & Kris Haines
24-Mar to 30-MarLinda Gallagher & Rachell Niall
31-Mar to 06-AprIsabelle Hassall & Linda Rayner
07-Apr to 13-AprPat Campbell & Patricia Davey
14-Apr to 20-AprMarie Crookston & Kim Janor
21-Apr to 27-AprLorraine Rowe & Joy Irvine