Wanting to get fitter, healthier and stronger?
Looking for some extra motivation?
Then we have just the thing for you....

9am Boot camp:  Term 1 2025 = 10 week challenge​​​​​​​


The 2025 Term 1 Challenge runs from Monday 3 February for 10 weeks until Friday 11 April 2025

$285 non-members / $157.50 members 
​​​​​​​10% discount for 3+ consecutive fulltime bootcamps!
You can join at any time!
​​​​​​​Casuals welcome!

  • 3 group training sessions per week - these will include a mixture of muscular endurance, muscular strength and cardio workouts. These are designed to improve fitness, aid body toning and weight loss, and get you results!


  • Mon /Wed / Fri mornings @ 9-10am (creche available - fee applies)

How much?

  • Non-members $285
  • Members $157.50

#Creche $3 per child (family discount applies - 2 or more children = $2 per child) 

# creche available on request