Our first club night for the term is Tuesday, Feb 11. See you all then.
Registrations are now open for Term 1 2025 but only for the following age groups as other groups are full (age as at 31 Dec 2024):

  • 1 and 2 yr old girls and boys
  • 3 yr old girls
  • 10 yr old boys
  • 11 yr old boys
  • 12 to 14 yr old girls and boys

We are not accepting registrations for any other age groups...if you register and are not in one of the above age groups, we may not be able to refund you. 

For more detail or to register, click HERE or the JOIN NOW button.

For more info email bellevue.athleticsclub@gmail.com or phone/text 0272580770


Visitors & trial sessions - one free session

Note - we will only accept visitos in the above age groups that are still open. Just pop along to one of our club nights at the domain and register as a visitor. We recommend you do this between 4.30 and 5pm. Start time is approx. 5.30pm.

Visitors can only trial for one night. After that, they will need to register.


For more info see our uniform page. These will be available from the beginning of each summer season, in mid-October. Members will be emailed exactly when and where to purchase these from.

2nd uniforms may be available on our facebook page - note we have not changed our shirts however we now only use black shorts https://www.facebook.com/groups/258313817991353/?source_id=1117398014985188

Bellevue Athletic Club is based at the Tauranga Domain and is one of the largest children’s athletics clubs in the Waikato/Bay Of Plenty region. We are a parent-run club that is not--for-profit. We cater for children up to the age of 14 with a Mini Club (1 - 6 yrs) and Junior Club (7 to 14 yrs).

The club meets over the summer season (October - March) for athletics on Tuesday evenings from 5:20pm -7:00pm. The first part of the season runs from October to December, then we break for Christmas and return in the New Year in February.

All ages assemble in front of the grandstand at the Tauranga Domain at 5:20pm. Junior Club stays on top field for their events until approximately 7:00pm and Mini Club compete on lower fields, finishing up a bit earlier around 6:30pm.​​​​​​​

Thank you

Bellevue would like to thank the NZ Community Trust and Pub Charity for helping our team get to the upcoming North Island Colgate Games, 5-7 Jan 2024, in Auckland. We are very grateful. Also, thanks to CooneyLeesMorgan for sponsoring our Ribbon Day. Cooney Lees Morgan is a full service law firm based in Tauranga. We're proud to provide quality and pragmatic solutions to a range of corporate, commercial, local authority, and private clients both locally and across the country. We have the experience and personnel to take on virtually any legal task. Tauranga +64 7 578 2099,Matamata +64 7 880 9022,Email: info@clmlaw.co.nz


Athletics New Zealand

​​​​​​​NZ Children's Athletics

Athletics Waikato Bay of Plenty