Henderson Valley Pony Club Bylaws
These bylaws are the formal rules of the Branch which all members must abide by.
1) This Branch of West Auckland District Pony Club shall be known as Henderson Valley Pony Club Inc.
2) This Branch of West Auckland District Pony Club shall abide by the Constitution of the New Zealand Pony Clubs Association and those of the West Auckland District Pony Club.
3) Members joining after 1 January of each year shall pay only half of the Branch subscription plus all full additional levies.
4) Grazers on Branch grounds shall abide by the conditions of the Grazing Agreement.
5) Parents may accompany a coach who is taking a ride but must not interfere with the running of the rally.
6) All breaches of the Branch’s Constitution and/or By-Laws shall be dealt with by the Committee in accordance with Rule 36 of the NZPCA Constitution.
7) Branch uniform is to be worn at all rallies and closed events – blue polo shirt and/or blue jacket or blue polar fleece and badge, jodhpurs, jodhpur boots or smooth soled, heeled shoes and an approved and tagged riding helmet. Long sleeves are recommended for all jumping. An approved back protector must be worn for the cross country phase of rallies, exams, events and camps, as well as all jumping of cross country jumps on the grounds.
8) Approved and yellow tagged helmets are to be worn whilst riding at all times on Branch grounds and on public roads.
9) Bad language, excessive use of a whip or spurs will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by the most senior person present at the time.
10) Wheeled or sharp spurs may not be worn at rallies. Other spurs may be worn only with the Coach's permission.
11) All horses must be under the rider's control at all times whether being ridden or lead. If a horse is within a closed area and there are other horses within that area then all horses must be tied securely, even when your horse/pony is eating its feed.
12) Any horse liable to kick must have a red ribbon tied to its tail at competitions and rallies.
13) Horses which are considered dangerous or unruly will not be permitted on the grounds.
14) Stallions may be allowed at competitions at the discretion of the Branch Committee and permission must be obtained prior to the event. Stallions are not permitted to partake in any other Pony Club activities. The stallion must be accompanied at all times and must be in a secure location so that there is no possibility of this horse coming into contact with any other horses. Full precautions must be taken whilst moving the stallion from its enclosure to the transporter on arrival and departure, and also whilst moving from its enclosure to the competition area. Should the stallion become unruly or be considered a hazard to other mounts or riders, the Ground Jury or Branch Committee shall have the right to insist that the animal be removed from the grounds.
15) Riders must seek their coach's permission to leave the group or the grounds during rally.
16) All horses must be secured during breaks. No horse may be tied by the bridle or long lengths of nylon rope or cord. Horses are not to be tied to the railing round the clubhouse or any fences. Hitching rails are provided and should be used. Manure must be removed from the hitching rails and corral areas after use.
17) All riding on Branch grounds during rally must be under the supervision of a Coach unless special permission is given by the Coach or a committee member.
18) If a Coach does not turn up for rally, all riders in that group shall report to the Head Coach.
19) Coaches must be treated with respect and courtesy at all times, and the same due respect given to the rider.
20) Horses grazing on Branch grounds must be secured during rallies (Tues & Wed nights) if not being ridden. Failure to comply may result in loss of grazing.
21) No riding member under 17 years of age may ride on Branch grounds without their parent or a person over the age of 18 nominated by the parent. Any jumping of any rider on club grounds must be done in the presence of an adult in the same paddock.
22) Financial members may invite a visitor to a rally twice during a season with the prior approval of the Head Coach. Visitors must be introduced to a committee member. Prospective members may ride at 2 rallies before paying the subscription fee with the approval of the Head Coach. All visitors shall complete a Casual Member Form if not already a member of Pony Club.
23) Members riding on public roads must comply with the section of the Road Code and Local Authority By-Laws applicable to horse riding. Manure droppings must be removed from footpaths and public areas. If you don’t have anything suitable to do this at the time, you must go back and remove it the same day at a later stage.
24) A horse, which is, in the opinion of the Coach, not fit for Pony Club work for reasons of age, health or temperament, may be barred from the Branch grounds.
25) Dogs can be off a lead on the Branch grounds, however they must be put on a lead if they are within 10m of another person or animal. Any dog off a lead must be under voice control of the person exercising it. If a dog is unleashed in the presence of other people/animals (within 10m) and the owner does not put the dog on a leash, a warning may be given to the dog owner if they do not comply. This warning can come from any person, but must be reported in writing to the Secretary. If a dog owner continually ignores the rule, the Council will be contacted.
26) No dogs are allowed at events. Dogs must be on a leash and under control at rallies. Dogs are not allowed within the clubhouse facility. Dog owners must remove their dog’s droppings.
27) Bicycles must not be left lying round the grounds or ridden in the paddocks. Note: No wheelies or skids on the gravel.
28) Any member who has a complaint should make it in writing to the Secretary and breaches of riding discipline should be referred to the Head Coach.
29) Horse age restrictions apply as per NZPCA Branch and Club rules. Horses under 3 years of age may not be bought to Pony Club unless special permission from the Committee is given. An application must be made in writing, and an assessment of horse and handler/rider completed by the Head Coach. Horses/ponies under 4 years of age must not compete in jumping activities, however, may train at Pony Club under the guidance of a Coach.
30) Members who turn 21 years of age during the season can compete as if they were a senior member of our Branch, and are eligible for all closed competitions, awards and trophies for that season.
31) Riders between the age of 21 and 25 that attend the general rally are not eligible for general rally points, trophies or awards.
32) Riders between the age of 21 and 25 that compete at Closed Events shall partake in the Adult section and be eligible for awards and trophies.
33) Members must use safe and responsible horse handling practices on Branch grounds, as per the Handling: Safety Factors section in Pony Club Manual One.
34) Members must be aged 16 years or over to be able to drive the quad bike. People new to driving the quad bike must be given tuition by an experienced quad bike driver before they can use it.
35) All guests riding on Branch grounds must sign the guest book. Non-members bringing their own horses to ride on the grounds need to pay a $20 ground fee.