Henderson Valley Pony Club Branch Guidelines
These guidelines act as informal rules for anything not covered under the Branch Bylaws.
1. Grounds Access
a) As part of the membership process, members will be allocated the loan of a gate key to gain access to the Pony Club grounds. The gates are padlocked when the grounds are not in use to secure the grounds from misuse, to secure the Pony Club property from theft, and ensure the safety of grazing horses.
b) This key must be returned at the start of the season to obtain a new season key, or earlier if membership lapses or an individual chooses to leave Henderson Valley Pony Club.
c) All members are required to pay a key bond of $50 when they initially join, in order to be issued with a key. A separate key bond is required for each key for any additional keys required
d) The key bond is refunded upon the return of the key if a member leaves the Pony Club. If a member loses their key, they forfeit the bond for that key.
e) Keys are not transferable and must not be lent to non-members. The unauthorized loan of keys may result in membership cancellation.
f) The front gate to the Pony Club grounds must be kept closed at all times, and members need to lock the gate when they leave.
2. General Grounds & Facilities Usage
a) Horses must always be tied to baling twine, and only in the appropriate areas: hitching rails, wash bay area or farrier bay area.
b) Horses are not permitted in the Clubhouse area: under the Clubhouse verandah, in the Clubhouse end of car park, or the grassy picnic area. The exceptions are for veterinary care or clipping where power access is required.
c) The farrier bay must always be kept clean and tidy, and manure and hoof filings removed after use with the tools provided.
d) If horses are clipped, the hair must be picked up and taken away with you (not put in the Pony Club rubbish bins).
e) Horses are NOT to be taken through the small pedestrian gate between the hitching rails and grassy picnic area.
f) Any horse manure in the hitching rails, wash bay, farrier bay, car park or driveway must be removed immediately with the wheelbarrows and shovels provided. If the wheelbarrow is full it would be appreciated if you could empty if. The emptying pile is at the end of the pens in the Main paddock, up on TOP of the pile please.
g) Please ensure all gates are kept closed at all times.
h) The back gate to the grounds in the Orchard paddock must always be kept locked (unlock it to come through, and then lock it again straight away afterward).
i) Please ensure that the toilet door and front gate is locked prior to leaving the grounds. The padlock on the front gate is to be kept 'closed' in a locked position on the gate hook when the grounds are in use, to prevent theft of the padlock.
j) The pens must be left clean and tidy after use, and free of horse manure.
k) RDA get preferential use of the grounds and facilities (including the rubber arena) on Mondays and Tuesdays and Thursdays during school terms from 8.00am until 2.00pm. Members are asked not to ride on the grounds during these times to limit disruption to the therapy sessions.
3. Parking
a) Floats may be stored by members on the HVPC grounds free of charge. This is at the owner's own risk. Appropriate security measures should be taken. Floats must be parked in the designated float storage area between the garage and the driveway.
b) During winter, the large part of the car park between the picnic area and the old sand area is designated for float and truck parking for members visiting the grounds to ride. Please keep this area free of other vehicles or you will be asked to move.
c) Always ensure your vehicle is locked if parked on the HVPC grounds, and keep valuables hidden out of sight.
4. Use Of Rubber Arena
An online booking system for the rubber arena will be put in place for the winter months when the paddocks are closed for riding and the following guidelines for usage will apply:
a) All members must check the “Arena Booking Sheet” prior to utilising the rubber arena.
b) The rubber arena cannot be booked more than 14 days in advance.
c) All sessions are for 45 minutes only.
d) Each riding member can pre-book the rubber arena for one 45 minute session per weekend and one 45 minute session per week (Mon-Fri).
e) If a riding member arrives at the grounds and the rubber arena is not booked, they may use the arena in addition to any pre-booked sessions.
g) Please do not book the same day and time slot more for more than two weeks in a row to be fair to other users.
h) No jumping is permitted in the rubber arena.
i) Lunging is permitted in the rubber arena only provided that there are no other arena users present. It is recommended that a helmet and gloves be worn whilst lunging.
j) There may only be a maximum of four individual riders in the rubber arena at any one time, unless it is an organised lesson or rally.
k) Manure must be removed from the rubber arena prior to leaving, using the tools provided.
5. Use Of Old Sand Arena
An online booking system for the sand arena will be put in place for the winter months when the paddocks are closed for riding and the following guidelines for usage will apply:
a) All members must check the “Arena Booking Sheet” prior to utilising the sand arena.
b) The sand arena cannot be booked more than 14 days in advance.
c) All sessions are for 45 minutes only.
d) Each riding member can pre-book the sand arena for one 45 minute session per weekend and one 45 minute session per week (Mon-Fri).
e) If a riding member arrives at the grounds and the sand arena is not booked, they may use the arena in addition to any pre-booked sessions.
f) The sand arena will not be able to be booked in the 3.45pm-4.30pm and 4.30pm-5.15pm slots after school on weekdays to ensure there is always somewhere available for people to ride during the time of highest demand.
g) Please do not book the same day and time slot for more than two weeks in a row to be fair to other users.
h) Jumping is permitted in the sand arena.
i) Lunging (including free lunging) is not permitted in the sand arena.
j) There may only be a maximum of four individual riders in the sand arena at any one time, unless it is an organised lesson or rally.
k) Manure must be removed from the sand arena prior to leaving, using the tools provided.
l) Each sand arena user must do a few minutes of raking the sand away from the sides prior to leaving the arena, using the tools provided, or if they have jumped, a sand arena user must rake the take off and landing areas of the jumps.
6. Visitors To The Grounds
a) All guests riding on HVPC grounds must read the disclaimer and sign the guestbook (or their parent if the rider is under 17 years of age). The guest book will always be available on the notice board outside the front of the Clubhouse (by the double doors).
b) All guests riding on HVPC grounds must either:
Be accompanied by an HVPC member
OR Notify a Committee member and get permission for grounds usage
c) Non members bringing their own horses down to HVPC to ride must sign the guest book and must pay a ground fee of $20 directly into the Pony Club bank account: 12-3061-0190227-00.
d) All riders on HVPC grounds (including guests) must wear an approved and tagged riding helmet and suitable footwear with a heel when riding.
7. Rally
a) All families with a rider attending Wednesday rallies will be asked to help out in the kitchen once or twice per season on rally night. Also, families are rostered on for toilet duty, which means that one week per season each family will be responsible for cleaning the toilets. A kitchen and toilet roster will be done at the start of the season. If someone can't attend their rostered night in the kitchen, it is their responsibility to find someone to swap with.
b) Parents must be present at rally if their child is under 17 years of age. If the parent cannot be there for a genuine reason, another adult present over 18 years of age must be designated as your child's 'adult' for the rally period, with agreement from that person, and this notified to your child's coach, with your own mobile number provided to the coach.
c) Riders (or their parent) must notify their coach or the Head Coach if they cannot attend rally. Adult riders must notify the Adult Ride Coordinator.
d) In the event that a mounted Wednesday rally is cancelled due to bad weather, a message will be placed on the Pony Club Facebook page at 4.30pm notifying members that rally is instead unmounted.
8. Overnight Grazing
a) A request must be made to the Grazing Manager for overnight grazing, well in advance of the day it is required. Approval will be given provided that there is sufficient grazing available.
b) A horse may graze free of charge on a rally night OR the night prior to a rally or show if you are a HVPC member.
c) The fee for overnight or casual grazing for members is $5.00 per day or night except where the above rule applies.
d) The fee for overnight or casual grazing for non members is $10.00 per day or night. Hirage of a pen by non members during an event is $10.00 per pen, and subject to availability.
e) For further information, see the rules and obligations in respect of overnight or casual grazing at the back of this handbook
9. Communication
a) Most communication to members is done by email. Please ensure that you check your email regularly for important notifications and updates.
b) Important notices will be put on the notice board in the toilet corridor, including copies of the newsletter, relevant rules and regulations, reference material, the arena booking sheet, information for grazers, and entry forms and event fliers,. The minutes of recent Committee meetings are available in the blue clear file on the bench beside the notice board.
10. Riding On The Road
a) Riders must not ride on lawns or grass verges.
b) Horse manure must be removed from the footpath. Please immediately dismount and kick it off the footpath. If your horse poos in a highly used public area (eg. in the car parks near the dairies, the school, the park), please make sure you actually come back and remove the manure after your ride.
c) It is recommended that all riders wear high visibility vests when riding on the road.
11. Grounds Closure
a) The procedure for grounds closure is an examination of the grounds by a subcommittee made up of the Grazing Manager, Maintenance Coordinator, Head Coach and Event Secretary and/or the Executive Committee if required if any of the above are unavailable. A decision will be made, and notification of any full or partial closure written on the black board and an email sent out to members.
b) Appropriate notice will be given to members of any grounds closure. However, there may be circumstances such as following a torrential downpour or storm, where it may be necessary to close the grounds effective immediately, with less than 24 hours notice given to members.
12. Health & Safety
a) In the event of any accident on the grounds resulting in injury, an Accident Report must be completed by the individual (or their parent if under 18 years of age) within the following 7 days and given to the Health & Safety Officer.
b) All riders must have had their riding helmets inspected and tagged with the approved red sticker by the Head Coach or an approved gear checker, confirming that they helmet meets currently safety regulations.
c) A speed limit of 10km MUST be observed in the driveway and car park in the interest of horse and rider safety.
d) Any horse with a suspected or confirmed contagious disease is not permitted on the grounds. Any horse who has suffered a contagious disease will require a vet certificate to confirm that they are free of infection before they are permitted back on the grounds.
e) Only approved and suitably experienced people are to use the chain saw, weed eaters, drive the quad bike or the tractor or operate the ride on mower.
f) Members must be aged over 16 years of age to be able to drive the quad bike. People new to driving the quad bike must be given tuition by an experienced quad bike driver before they can use it. An approved enclosed helmet must be worn whilst operating the quad bike.
13. Hireage Of Facilities For Private Functions
a) Any requests for hireage of the facilities for private functions must be made to the Committee by an application in writing.
b) Each application will be considered individually by the Committee.
c) A maximum of 100 will be permitted to attend.
d) The function must finish by 12.30am, with everyone having vacated the premises by 1.00am.
e) There will be no hireage fee for members for Clubhouse use, but a donation of $100 to the Club is requested for adult functions, and $50 for children's functions.
f) A refundable $500 bond applies. The adult responsible for Clubhouse hireage will be liable for any damage that occurs during the function, with the costs being deducted from the $500 bond.
g) The adult responsible for Clubhouse hireage must arrange for security to be present during the function.
h) No drinking outside the Clubhouse.
i) The Clubhouse and surrounding area has to be returned to the state it was prior to the function, with clean up being completed by midday of the day following the function.
j) Two Committee members are to inspect the Clubhouse following clean up.
k) The adult member organising the function shall exercise responsible hosting principles.
l) Appropriate adult supervision must be provided where the function is for people under 18 years of age.
14. Approval Of Clinics/Lessons
a) Riders may organize their own individual tuition with private coaches on the grounds.
b) Where a coach wishes to give multiple lessons on the grounds (ie, a clinic) that will require substantial or exclusive facilities and grounds usage, a request must be made to the Committee.
c) Any requests for clinics must be made to the Committee by an application in writing.
d) Clinics must not clash with rally, a working bee, event set up or an event.
e) A ground fee of $20 per rider applies to all riders who are participating in the clinic who are not HVPC members.
f) The organizer of the clinic and/or the coach is responsible for set up of any equipment required, and for returning the paddock back to a suitable state afterward (e.g., putting tapes back up, and horses back in their paddocks if their removal was required for the lessons).
g) During a clinic, the clinic gets priority use of the grounds and facilities.
15. Grazing Waiting List
a) To go on the grazing waiting list, individuals must be HVPC members and be under 21 years of age.
b) To be considered for the grazing waiting list, individuals must complete a grazing waiting list application form, which is then submitted to the Committee for approval. Following approval, their name will be added to the bottom of the grazing waiting list and they will receive confirmation of the approval.
c) Individuals will be notified when they are at the top of the grazing waiting list.
d) The individual at the top of the grazing waiting list will be notified when a grazing spot becomes available. They have 4 weeks from the date of notification to take up the grazing spot. If they fail to do so or decline the grazing spot, their name is added to the bottom of the grazing waiting list.
e) Individuals on the grazing waiting list who have reached the top of the list and declined a grazing spot on two occasions, will be removed from the grazing waiting list.
16. Working Bees, Event Set Ups & Helping At Events
a) A working bee levy of $80.00 is charged on joining the Pony Club. This working bee levy is a refundable bond that is held by the Pony Club for the duration of an individual’s membership. An application can be made for a refund when a member leaves the Pony Club provided that they have met the working bee obligations for the previous season.
b) Members do not need to pay the working bee levy again unless they do not complete the working bee requirements each year. If a member does not complete the working bee requirements during the season, they forfeit the working bee levy paid, and the following season at enrolment they will be charged a working bee fee of $250.00.c
c) To meet their working bee requirements the season, members must:
● Attend 50% of working bees for the season (or complete equivalent jobs in lieu by arrangement). Usually approximately 4 – 6 working bees are held per season.
● Help out at the season’s scheduled fundraising event, a Community Open Day.
● Select two events for the season which each family will be responsible for setting up the day prior, and helping out at on the day of the event for the duration of the event. The One Day Event is compulsory and forms one of these events, and members need to select a second event of their choice.
d) The working bee requirements apply to all riding members and their families. Non riding members are exempt from this requirement as they do not benefit from ridden use of the grounds.
e) While a working bee or event set up is in progress, no riding or horsey activities are permitted on the grounds. Everyone present is expected to help.
f) To be counted as having attended a working bee or event set up, the individual must be present for the full duration of the session (usually around 2 – 2.5 hours), unless permission has been sought from a Committee member to leave early.
g) Prior to the working bee or event set up, the duration of the session will be notified to participants. At completion time, the bell will be rung, and everyone should come to the Clubhouse for well earned food and refreshments. J
h) For all events that require pre-entry (e.g., ODES) and Closed Events, HVPC members competing must supply the name and contact details of a designated helper for the event along with their entry.
i) Where new members join over winter, their working bee levy rolls over to the new season as there are no working bees over winter.