Kia Toa Easter Bowls Tournament

Sandra Keith's Allenton team were unstoppable in winning the Kia Toa Easter bowls tournament in style with her young development bowlers upfront. In fact, the only one to stop Keith was a policeman with a speeding ticket on the way to the tournament. Keith playing with club mates Lesley Kearns and her husband Lindsay and the ever-reliable Richard Kane, remained the only unbeaten team in Division one to win the tournament, with outstanding bowls from her team. Keith became first lady to win the tournament as Skip and showed the Kia Toa spectators the brilliance of Keith's ability and why she won World Champion of Champion singles in 2012 and since, has won a number of New Zealand titles. Keith was full of praise of her team especially Lesley, a first year bowler and Lindsay up front, who made things easy for the love birds Kane and Keith.

Second place went to the John Donaldson composite team of Warren Garrick, Anthony Foley, and Tony Marshall with just one loss and a cliff-hanger against Keith's team and they couldn’t find a winner and shared the points with draw.

In Division 2 Lockie Barnes' team of Neville Herbert, Noel Williams, and Paul Quinn won the division on the last end with the leader board changing several times in the last round.

Division 1

1st - Sandra Keith, Richard Kane, Lindsay Kearns, Lesley Kearns 6.5 wins

2nd - John Donaldson, Warren Garrick, Anthony Foley, Tony Marshall 5.5 wins

3rd - Tom Carmichael, Tony Kavanagh, John Goodger, Terry O’Donald 4 wins

Division 2

1st - Lockie Barnes, Neville Herbert, Noel Williams, Paul Quinn 5 wins

2nd - Richie Kerr, Bob Smith, Tony and Marty O’Driscoll 4.5 wins 46 ends

3rd - Alan Wilkinson, Jim Kane, Tony Wilkinson, Andrew Kelly 4.5 wins 40 ends

- Richie Kerr

Photo: L TO R Sandra Keith, Richard Kane, Lindsay Kearns, Lesley Kearns

Article added: Tuesday 11 April 2023


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